Sunday, March 29, 2015

"I Am Not Afraid of the Dark"... quote by Beah Richards

Today is a very special day for me. It is the day I share my dream of  becoming a writer. Not just any writer. A writer for Black women. To create a fantasy that is based in our everyday reality allowing for us to believe it is actually possible. Most of you will know me from my recent work posted the last few months. It actually because of  you that this blog was started. Through your encouragement and support I found strength in not just my words but my hue.

How fortunate I have been to have so many of my sistahs embrace me. As a thank you I wanted to create a platform where like minded positive sistahs could come together and express themselves freely and without regret. At Black Women Speak we want you to do just that. Speak. Be heard. Be respected for our differences and our similarities.

This is not and advice blog. I think that it is easy to tell a person what they should and should not do. As Black women in America this is our constant cross to bare. We are told how we should look if we are to assimilate into acceptable society. We are told how we should speak if we wish to be taken seriously. We are told how to raise our children, treat our husbands, lovers, friends, and significant others. We are told these things daily in our lives as most other races truly believe we do not know.

So this is a blog to say that who we are is okay with us. That we have a right to exist in any way we wish as long as we do not bring harm to others. Our truth is valid. Our gate beautiful. So here's to celebrating all that we are. And all that we desire to be.

It is my hope that we as sistahs will be able to discuss our ideas and beliefs in such a way that the inevitable guidance others receive will feel as natural as the flow of a river. That we become unified not so much in our ideal of the perfect existence but our belief that we as women of color have the right to pursue a perfect existence.

So I will be sharing history. Strong black women through the ages. Strong women now. Fellow members who have accomplished anything that they feel will inspire others. As wells as sample chapters of all my books before they are published in hopes you will critic honestly with the knowledge that I value  your opinion. 

I will also share with you exciting news of the publishing company I am in the works of starting. It will be called Black Girls Publishing in hopes of  allowing us as women of color to present as we choose our image of beauty, success, fantasy, and happiness.

If you are a writer I encourage you to seek a way to present your work. I also ask that Black woman who are starting businesses share. If you are a business owner it would be great to feature you on the blog. If you are writer share. If you are a cook share. Community leader share. Mother, sister, daughter, friend share.

Though my personal education is limited I am a believer in higher learning as a way to personal, spiritual, and financial independence. College students share your experiences as well as your wisdom for success in college as a Black woman. Share your hardships, disappointments, and goals. In whatever platform, age, or reason.

Single ladies for you I ask to speak honestly on what you are looking for. As I would like to post my idea of  how you can meet that special guy. I will of course use myself as guinea pig. To insure what I am doing works. I will post the highs and lows of these experiences. It all for the cause ladies. I will also be critiquing dating websites and which are open to your preference and that is why you have to be honest about what your preferences are. The men I write about in my books are usually based loosely on men I dated. One example being the character Colton. He was actually based on a cowboy I dated for several months at the tender age of nineteen. I won't give his name out of respect for him but I think a lot of times Black women believe that certain men are off limits to us. I am here to say that is not true. I have some fantastic experiences before and after my marriage. I can say that if you are looking for a certain type of guy you have to present a certain way. This has nothing to do with color or changing who you are. It is more about expanding who you are. Adding to it. And if you find that these additions are not you, such as listening to country music if you like cowboys, then maybe consider the guy who fits perfectly in a book may not fit so perfectly in your life. Most know my belief on happy endings. LOL. But what you may not know is I do believe in a happy existence with those we choose to love.

So here's to the beginning of something good.  FreeGirl


  1. I hope everything is well. Just wanted you to know I am so missing your stories.

  2. Hello FreeGirl...its KittyOh48. Yrs it's been a while but I have been busy with school and work. I know it may seem like nothing to some but I finally received my Associates of Arts degree from ASU. May 2016 I crossed the stage with honors ropes (Magna Cum Laude). So now I am in pursuit of my Bachelors Degree in H/R through U of A. I hope to be finished by 2019 at the latest.
    Enough about me, I am glad and proud of your accomplishments. This blog is much needed and I think it will be AWESOME!!!
    I don't know if you have any new stories in progress or even completed, but the stories I read were phenominal.
    Take care of uourself.
    Peace and Blessings!

  3. HI, I'm glad you have a site. Can't wait to see more of your stories. It's been way to long.
